Yuk Ikut! Buat PV Koisuru Fortune Cookie ver Fans. Mari berdansa! Myaidol Project.

Myaidol Post when they're announcement somethings

Lastly, if you have watched our Koisuru Fortune Cookie, thats the part where Yukirin takes over.
As you’ve seen the last couple of days we released the most awesome video ever made in fansubgroup-history of all times. Koisuru Fortune Cookie covering the AIDOL-TEAM. Many of you left a lot comments for participating in another Koisuru Fortune Cookie video just with Fans. Most importantly – if you have the chance to dance and record the video with your friends, do it! Gather together, have a good time. We wanna show everyone how awesome this Fandom is!

Lets do this. But how do we do this? Here is the masterplan.
1. Record yourself dancing to the KFC – Staff Version
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCNiY-j6VsI ) – this is important so we all dance to the same version of the Song.
2. Please Record yourself dancing to the full song, just small bits are way harder to edit.
3. Its fully up to you if you try to dance along seriously or just make goofy stuff like lotsheep did (heck he did crazy stuff, if you’d only know what i saw editing his videopart x.x)
4. Try to not comprimize your video (in sense of re-encoding) to ensure best quality.
5. Upload it somewhere (like google-drive, dropbox or somewhere else)
6. Send us the link to your file via email: aidol_contact@yahoo.co.jp, via Facebook message, as Comment, or whatever way you desire along with a message (see 7).
7. Type a short message with your Nickname, your Country, your Oshimen and your Age. (since we haven’t decided which info to put in the video yet)
8. Send in your video BEFORE 20th August 2013, so we can release it along with KFC-Single Release.
I think thats all. Sounds easy? it is easy, belive me. So – on your way folks – dance~~. Yukirin over.

Penjelasan dalam Bahasa Indonesia : 

Untuk penjelasan pertama kesimpulannya adalah myaidol beserta para staffnya sudah membuat PV KFC ver mereka sendiri , pengen lihat? ini video Koisuru Fortune Cookie Ver myaidol staff.

Koisuru Fortune Cookie - AIDOL Version by aidol_stream

Untuk penjelasan kedua langkah-langkah mengikuti PV ver fans KFC :

1.Rekam dirimu sedang menari dance KFC - Staff Ver . 

Ini penting agar kita bisa menari dengan lagu dan tarian versi yang sama.

2. Cobalah rekam tarian/gerakanmu dengan lagu yang full artinya dance hingga lagu selesai/videonya selesai yang versi staff itu , agar mudah di editnya nanti.

3. Penting juga menarilah bebas dan sesuai gerakan , tetapi buatlah seheboh mungkin dan menarik.

4. Lalu upload lah video itu (bisa pake google drive , mediafire , indowebster).

5. Setelah itu kabari kami dimana anda mengupload video ini dengan menyertakan link video lalu NICKNAME ,NEGARA,UMUR ,dan OSHIMEN.

Bisa dikabari lewat :

1. Message Facebook : Fanspage Myaidol
2. aidol_contact@yahoo.co.jp
3. Komentar di salah satu wall facebook

6. Dikirimnya SEBELUM tanggal 20 Agustus 2013 , Kita akan mengupload videonya bersamaan keluarnya rilisan resmi AKB48 - PV KFC.

7. Mohon bantuannya! Untuk meramaikannya ajaklah juga teman-teman lain! have fun and enjoy project!

Mungkin ada yang belum tau apa itu myaidol? myaidol adalah fansuber untuk AKB48 yang udah banyak mengsubtitle banyak video-video AKB48 dan sisternya.

*Disini admin membantu promote projectnya sudah minta ijin ke admin myaidol dan disetujui :)

Website Myaidol : myaidol.com

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